According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), numerous people do not seek treatment for issues with anxiety. Why? Some people do not understand that an anxiety disorder is a medical condition that can be treated by a number of healthcare professionals, including your primary physician, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or a psychiatric nurse practitioner (via Healthline). It is important to be honest with your doctor. A lack of transparency can negatively impact their ability to assess and ultimately help you (per University North Carolina Health Talk). You should be able to trust your doctor when sharing sensitive health information — meaning that you trust that your doctor will ethically protect information that you share in confidentiality (per American Medical Association). Notably, your doctor may disclose information if required by law, if you aren’t fit to make decisions, or if you may be of potential harm to yourself or others.
Healthline says that when it comes to anxiety, talking to your doctor can help determine if the anxiety symptoms are coming from another condition like an illness, hormone imbalance, or even side effects from medication. If your doctor determines that you have an anxiety disorder, you have many options for treatment. For example, two popular treatment options are psychotherapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and/or medications (per APA). Psychotherapy and medications are often used in tandem (per Healthline). You can also try to manage stress with techniques like meditation, or even join a support group.